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Crescent Lodge Dental Practice Clapham

Treatment Steps

Step 1 – Consultation

At the first visit we take a detailed relevant history, assess your level of risk, carry out a full-mouth examination, reach a diagnosis and discuss the condition – options – costs – treatment plan.

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Step 2 - Non-Surgical Therapy

During this phase we aim to control the inflammation/ infection of the supporting tissues of the teeth, stop disease progression and promote healing:

  • Control of risk factors, e.g. smoking cessation and diabetes control.
  • Instruction in appropriate oral hygiene techniques: this is essentially where you learn to clean your teeth more effectively as it will make all the difference for a favourable outcome in the long term.
  • Appropriate instrumentation of the teeth under local anaesthesia, as required for your comfort. This is where we literally get to the “root” of the problem and “condition” the roots of the teeth to instigate the healing process.
  • Re-examination to assess the outcome of therapy and determine appropriate subsequent treatment steps.
Crescent Lodge Dental Practice Clapham

“Sometimes one just knows one is dealing with an outstanding professional and person. Dr Kourkouta is a case in point. She is highly professional, friendly, reassuring, calm, confident and caring. She combines great skill and personality.

She turned around the state of my teeth and my attitude and self esteem. She has shown me respect and kindness. She has certainly earned my respect. I honestly believe she is a credit to her profession.”

Step 3 - Periodontal Surgery

Occasionally periodontal surgical therapy may be indicated to address more advanced or persistent defects. In selected cases, periodontal regenerative surgery will restore part of the tissues that have been lost in the disease process.

Periodontal plastic surgery refers to procedures aiming to prevent or correct defects of the soft tissues or bone around the teeth, e.g. root coverage, gingival (gum) augmentation, correction of defects around implants, bone augmentation etc.

Step 4 - Maintenance

A regular recall, tailored to your needs, is followed in order to maintain periodontal health.

Before & After Gallery


Smile enhancement after removal of soft tissue lump, case by Dr Stella Kourkouta.


Root coverage of upper canine, case by Dr Stella Kourkouta


Root coverage of lower central incisors, case by Dr Stella Kourkouta


Gingival (gum) augmentation of a lower incisor, case by Dr Stella Kourkouta


Root Coverage of lower canine, case by Dr Stella Kourkouta

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