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April 2024 Monthly Archives

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How Dental Implants Work

15th April 2024 By: admin Woman smiling into a mirror at Crescent Lodge Dental Practice, after getting teeth whitening.

In this blog, we’ll cover the process of how dental implants work and the procedure here at Crescent Lodge Dental Practice. What are dental implants? Dental implants represent a revolutionary stride in restorative dentistry, offering a long-term solution for replacing missing teeth.Read More

Invisalign: Is It Worth It?

8th April 2024 By: admin Woman putting in Invisalign braces at CLDP

Introduction to Invisalign Braces Invisalign Braces have become a buzzword in the world of orthodontic treatment, offering a clear, convenient, and comfortable alternative to traditional braces. But what exactly is Invisalign, and why is it gaining such popularity among those looking toRead More