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5 Reasons to Get Dental Implants If Missing a Tooth in London

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10th January 2022

5 Reasons to Get Dental Implants If Missing a Tooth in London

There are many reasons to consider getting dental implants in London, but here are five we think are particularly important:

A dental implant can restore your confidence

Tooth loss often results in a visible gap in your smile, which can lead to self-consciousness when talking and smiling in public. A dental implant not only restores your smile but can give you a newfound sense of confidence. Hiding your smile can become tiresome, and our patients tell us it’s a huge relief to be able to grin, talk and laugh freely once more.

graphic showcasing how dental implants can restore confidence

Dental implants are the best way to treat tooth loss

The dental implant procedure in London is based on titanium screws inserted into the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth. Your jawbone reacts to the implant by ossifying (fusing) around it, forming a bond that is similar in strength to your natural teeth. Once the dental implant is fixed in place, and the healing process is complete, you should be able to crunch carrots or chew steak to your heart’s content.

graphic showcasing the dental implant process in London

Dental implants in London are less expensive than you think

Although dental implants’ initial expense is higher than other tooth loss treatments, their long-term value can be far superior. Other, cheaper treatments will very likely need to be replaced, perhaps several times, or may result in a progression of dental remedies to deal with continuing damage. A dental crown can often progress to a bridge, which in turn may need to be replaced with partial dentures. A dental implant has the potential to outlast any other treatments by a considerable margin.

Teeth are a structural element of your jaw

A missing tooth can affect the architecture of your entire mouth. After tooth loss, your other teeth can move over time, shifting and tilting towards any gaps. The bone your teeth are attached to can also be impacted, losing width, height, and density, which decreases the definition and strength of the jaw. In terms of the overall health and shape of your mouth, leaving a gap after tooth loss can do far more than alter your appearance.

London dental implants don’t damage your surrounding teeth

Bridges have to be anchored to your healthy teeth, causing a degree of damage to the enamel, and over time that damage can become worse, requiring further visits to your dental surgery. A dental implant is connected directly to the jaw, so it doesn’t harm your surrounding teeth.


graphic showcasing the monetary value of dental implants

Want to discuss your dental implant options?

Are you interested in dental implants at our London clinic? Contact our friendly team today for more information today by calling 020 7622 5333 or by visiting our contact page!

Enquire About Dental Implants In London Today!

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Enjoyed our post on Dental Implants in London? Check out our other blog on the pros and cons of dental implants!